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french toast with maple syrup blueberries

I promised my tribe and friends on Instagram that I'd make this breakfast for them (ok, for me) and do a recipe ready for the weekend. Well, happy Thursday, it's done. This is about the simplest recipe in my repertoire and I know once you've done it once you'll tweak it and make it your own and proceed to do it with your eyes closed. Sometimes mine are literally closed when I make this - morning coffee please!

The best part, you can use your sliced up sourdough or your tip-top white or your brown linseed you can't go a morning without. Use your favourite bread for your favourite French toast. I make this for one, or for 10, and it's our weekend go-to when Jack (2) is going through a no-scrambled-egg stage. It's a stage, right?

Here's the recipe for your weekend French toast

If you're doing it for 3 or 4 people, in a bowl about the width of your bread (about 6 thick slices) whisk together 5-6 organic (or at least free-range) eggs with about 3/4 cup whole milk (or nut or oat milk), a pinch of ground cinnamon and a few drops of vanilla essence or the seeds from half a pod of vanilla. Whisk it all together with a fork and over a medium heat melt a knob of butter in a frypan that can fit two slices of bread (or you'll be there an age). Pour the melted butter into the mixture and whisk again with a fork. Place a slice of bread in the mixture then turn until pretty soaked through. Place the bread in the frypan and repeat with another slice of bread. Once golden on one side, turn the bread in the pan and when cooked (no longer soggy) transfer to a place to serve. Repeat with remaining bread slices. 

This part is optional, and if you're using fresh blueberries I'd just scatter them over the toast and serve. If they're frozen, wipe out your pan with paper towel and add another knob of butter, pour in 1/2 to 3/4 cup frozen blueberries and saute, then sprinkle over 1 teaspoon coconut or brown sugar. Toss well until sugar melts and pour mixture over your toast. Offer maple syrup for pouring over, and plain Greek yoghurt, and scatter over mint leaves if you like.